
Surveying involves measuring and mapping the physical features of the earth’s surface. It provides essential information about the topography and characteristics of a site, which is necessary for designing and constructing infrastructure project

Types Of Surveys

  • Topographical survey
  • Hydrology survey
  • Contour survey
  • Hydrogeology survey
  • Drone survey
  • Theodolite survey
  • Dumpy level survey
  • Traffic survey
  • Total vehicle count survey 

Hydrological survey

Hydrological survey is used to determine the characteristics of a water resource, such as rivers, lakes, or groundwater. It is essential for the design and construction of infrastructure projects related to water supply, irrigation, flood control, and wastewater management

To collect and analyze data on the water resources of a particular area, including surface water and groundwater. 

Involve measuring streamflow, groundwater levels, water quality, and other hydrological parameters.

Hydrological surveys are typically conducted for a variety of reasons, including:

  1. Water resource management – Important for managing water resources, particularly in areas where water is scarce or where water quality is poor. 

Help water managers make informed decisions about how to allocate water resources and protect water quality.

  1. Flood risk assessment – To assess the risk of flooding in a particular area, by measuring streamflow and identifying areas where flooding is most likely to occur.
  2. Environmental impact assessment – To assess the potential environmental impacts of a proposed project, such as a new development or infrastructure project.

With the experience of executing a significant amount of hydrological surveys, our invaluable experience in this field makes us the key player to provide this service. In addition, we design and implement surveying programs, analyze the data collected, and provide recommendations and guidance to ensure that the project is completed safely and successfully.

Hydrogeological surveys are essential for the assessment of groundwater characteristics, design and construction of infrastructure projects involving groundwater exploration, water supply, and remediation.

A hydrogeological survey is a type of survey that studies the characteristics of groundwater and its interaction with the surrounding geology. 

Involves measuring groundwater levels, analyzing the water quality, and identifying the flow direction of the groundwater.

Hydrogeological surveys are typically conducted for a variety of reasons, including:

  1. Groundwater resource management – managing groundwater resources, particularly in areas where water is scarce or where there is a high demand for groundwater. 
  2. Contamination assessment – To assess the potential for groundwater contamination, such as from industrial or agricultural activities.
  3. Environmental impact assessment – To assess the potential environmental impacts of a proposed project, such as a new development or infrastructure project.

At VGeotech Experts, we can design and implement surveying programs, analyze the data collected, and provide recommendations and guidance to ensure that the project is completed safely and successfully.